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International Journal of Psychoanalysis and Education: Subject, Action & Society

About the Journal

International Journal of Psychoanalysis and Education (Subject, Action, & Society)  is a double-blind peer-reviewed open access Journal published six-monthly, which directly continues the activity of recent decades of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis and Education (from 2009 to 2020 published at

The Journal aims at promoting a deeper understanding of the psyche-society bond and at analyzing and interpreting current times in their clinical, cultural, socio-political, institutional, and economic facets.

By welcoming the different psychoanalytic orientations and supporting the dialogue between the different psychodynamic perspectives, IJPE-SAS is an open arena for psychoanalytical studies and practices aimed at understanding the recurisve subject-society-culture field.

Innovative and current dynamics as well as radical issues experienced in contemporary societies (e.g. healthcare systems, climate change, migration, new models of production, transformation of institutional format, innovative model of value construction, innovation in media and communication) challenge all domains of scientific knowledge, including psychoanalytically informed psychology. Starting from Freud’s formative writings devoted to the analysis of his zeitgeist, psychoanalysis has built a rich stream of thought on the psychodynamic interpretation of the vicissitudes of clinical, social, cultural and political worlds. The Journal intends to contribute to the revitalization of this tradition (in clinical and psychosocial terms), so to aid the understanding of current times and the design of policies and strategies able to drive human development.

According to these goals, International Journal of Psychoanalysis and Education - Subject, Action, & Society  intends to be an international, multi-voiced forum fostering interdisciplinary dialogues with a plurality of disciplinary fields – from clinics to education, from anthropology to earth sciences, from political studies to philosophy, from economics to ecology, from sociology to semiotics - in order to develop a comprehensive outlook on social systems and the transformative dynamics underpinning them.

The Journal publishes original contributions in a broad variety of formats: theoretical works, empirical papers, literature reviews, case analyses, brief reports, commentaries, and book reviews.

International Journal of Psychoanalysis and Education: Subject, Action & Society is a double blind peer-reviewed scientific journal inspired by the ethical code of publications developed by COPE:

All involved subjects - authors, editors and referees - must know and respect the ethical requirements.

The Journal does not require any financial contributions for submissions or processing charges (APCs).


International Journal of Psychoanalysis and Education: Subject, Action, & Society is scientific-class rated journal by ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research Systems) in the two academic sectors:

It is also covered by the American Psychological Association's database PsycINFO.